Let the Triumphal Procession Begin

Democracy has a new door, or should I say Arch. The seat of the free world is represented by the "democracy" of the United States. This happens at the US Capital building at the National Mall. The Arch is representing this new democracy than will then be brought to the Hague, the International Courts. At... Continue Reading →

The Columbus Gateway During Sukkot

Coinciding with the Arch of Triumph going up in Washington D.C.(District of Columbia) in the last few days of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) and the blackening of the St. Louis gateway arch, there is another gateway called a Palmyras Tetrapylon going up in Columbus, Indiana through the 26th - 29th of September. Columbus, Indiana has... Continue Reading →

The Virus of the Viral

The first time the term virus was used in the sense of a computer virus was in 1972. A book called When Harlie Was One introduced the term. It was about a Artificial Intelligent computer named Harlie who had a god complex. The 3rd image below was the kindle version of the cover. T he... Continue Reading →

The Sufyani: The Man Made Movie

Very interesting video. It is based on Islamic eschatology so you can take it with a grain of salt if you'd like. Very interesting in my opinion. What or who is the Sufyani? According to these Muslims its King Abdullah II of Jordan. Those who have followed my research know I believe the Antichrist ie... Continue Reading →

The Arch of their goddess

Just a reminder. This is for those who insist on calling the Arch of TRIUMPH the wrong name. Three arches that look different and only one was replicated with a 3d printer. If you can't figure that out and still want to argue about it than I suggest you not even be on this page.... Continue Reading →

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