Jupiter, called צדק Tzedeq or “justice”. The spirit behind Malki.

Please understand how important it is to make this Jupiter connection to the sacrifice on 9/26. The man who did it is named Malachi Drossos and goes by Malki Tzadik. This is Melchezidek. He claims he is a Levite but under the order of Mechezidek. Makes no sense whatsoever. Why does he go by Tzadik... Continue Reading →

Lightning in Jerusalem

These are separate posts I did on Social Media. They are all connected. This lightning struck on Monday evening in Jerusalem. It allegedly hit the al-aqsa mosque. This is where Jews believe the Temple was. A certain someone (Malki) was doing a video when this was going on and he was alluding that this was... Continue Reading →

Malachi: Revisited

Let me first say that the name Malachi means "messenger". "The Greek Old Testament translates the last clause of Malachi 1:1, "by the hand of his messenger," and the Targum reads, "by the hand of my angel, whose name is called Ezra the scribe." According to Rabbi W. Gunther Plaut, "Malachi describes a priesthood that... Continue Reading →

The Sacrifice to Jupiter…again

"Sacrificial victims (hostiae) offered to Jupiter were the ox (castrated bull), the lamb (on the Ides, the ovis idulis) and the wether (castrated male goat or ram) (on the Ides of January). The animals were required to be white....The Ides (the midpoint of the month, with a full moon) was sacred to Jupiter, because on... Continue Reading →

Jupiter. The lord of the flies.

It will be 2 years since the false sign of Jupiter being birthed on 9/23/17. Now almost to the day we will see a inverted sacrifical blessing to their god Jupiter on September 27th. The 70 nations, principalites, bulls, Sanhedrin, leaders, whatever you want to call them are NOT doing GOD a service. They are... Continue Reading →

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