The Firstfruits of the Resurrection

(This is from 2 different articles from November 2016 that was originally published on my "I Don't Care If Anyone Reads This" a Facebook page.) I recently saw a teaching on when do the firstfruits resurrect and the person turned to a future time in Revelation. We see that Jesus was the firstfruits. We see... Continue Reading →

The Sounding of the False Trumpets

Do you remember all of the strange sounds across the world that have been heard. Eerily reminiscent of a horn or trumpet being blown. Jesus has His trump sounding at His return and wouldn't you think Satan will try to have his trumpet for deception purposes? But is it just to confuse people and to... Continue Reading →

The Linen Frequency

Deuteronomy 22:11  Thou shalt not wear a garment of divers sorts, as of woollen and linen together. Revolution 19:7-8 - Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be... Continue Reading →

 Hērpasthē vs Harpagēsometha: Caught up

When those of the 9/23 Rapture cult are confronted with original Greek of Revelation 12:1 they usually refuse to believe what Scripture actually says. Then there are some who accept the Greek for what it says but then come back with "well Jesus wasn't raptured, he ascended and Revelation 12:5 says the child was harpazdo'ed... Continue Reading →

The Hanged Man…again.

Another musician has committed suicide by hanging. Chester Bennington from Linkin Park was found dead this morning by hanging himself. He was also currently in a band with someone I grew up with. The band was called Dead By Sunrise (the irony may not be lost here). He was found at 8:59 am Pacific time... Continue Reading →

The world of sheep has gone mad

The sheep have gone mad! 80 real sheep have committed suicide just one day prior, 20 people dressed like sheep in Montreal. This almost seems prophetic for the times we are living in. Jesus says that His sheep hear His voice. In this case, these aren't His sheep. Here is the first story. "80 sheep... Continue Reading →

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