Mount of Corruption: part 2

I want you to pay special attention to what I'm about to say. On September 27th, 2019 the Edomite Jews offered a Noahide sacrifice to their god at the Southern point of Mount of Olives. This particular area is known as Mount Corruption based on Solomon letting his pagan wives offer sacrifices to Chemosh and... Continue Reading →

maOZim: the god of FORCES

This is a work in progress. I will be adding to it when I find time. It has been sitting collecting dust since last year. Disclaimer: First off let me say this. I believe as have scholars over the centuries, that the maozim mentioned in Daniel 11:38 is the god of fortresses. What does that... Continue Reading →

The Keys to Paradise

"This is the Inversion of the Keys to the Kingdom. This ENTIRE Paradise Chaos Magik Ritual boils down to the Symbolic "regaining" of the Keys to the Kingdom, the Keys of Death & the Grave ie Immortality/Apotheosis/Ascension to godhood, the Phoenix/Bennu bird of Osiris rising from the Ashes of the Old Age, their Symbolic entrance... Continue Reading →

Trump and his Lady Liberty

Around October 3rd a billboard came out in Time Square with a woman posing as "Lady Liberty" hog tying Trump. Here is the article from Briebarts Joshua Caplan that was published October 18th. Here is a excerpt from Breitbart's article. "Athletic clothing company Dhvani unveiled a new advertising campaign this week on a Times Square... Continue Reading →

Lightning in Jerusalem

These are separate posts I did on Social Media. They are all connected. This lightning struck on Monday evening in Jerusalem. It allegedly hit the al-aqsa mosque. This is where Jews believe the Temple was. A certain someone (Malki) was doing a video when this was going on and he was alluding that this was... Continue Reading →

Noahide Sacrifice on Olivet

Well look at this. The Edomite Jews are going to offer a Noahide animal sacrifice on the Mount of Olives on September 25th, 2019. This sacrifice is supposedly representing the 70 Nations who come together because of these Noahide Laws. These Laws when enacted will first go after Christians who recognize Jesus as GOD. And... Continue Reading →

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