The Inverted Entrance to the Arch

Some people insist that the replica of the Arch of Triumph from Palmyra is actually the Arch of Bel/Baal. And the majority of people actually call it the Arch of Bel. As I have shown in other articles, it's not. These are three different sites with 3 different arches and the Arch of Triumph and... Continue Reading →

Temple of Bel Ceiling 3D Replica

More news you won't hear about. 3 days ago on April 23rd the ceiling from the altar of Palmyra's Temple of Bel was showcased in a special ceremony at the Damascus National Museum. It was placed in Damascus around the same time the Arch of Triumph from Palmyra was placed in Geneva. Before it went... Continue Reading →

John Hyrcanus

The John Hyrcanus connection. You can read this where I bring up the reason why (imo) the Edomite Jews sacrificed a goat next to the holy sepulchre site. Make sure you read all the articles posted. April 22nd, 2019 The spire in I Pet, Goat collapsing was all about timing. At this moment, everything is... Continue Reading →

The Arch in Geneva: a little symbolism

With the Arch being in Geneva at the Palace of Nations, I started to look at the symbolic architecture that surrounds this place. I noticed they have a celestial sphere. Here is what the sculpture has to say about it. "The representation of the heavenly constellations is derived from Babylonia and Assyria: the Greeks and... Continue Reading →

Menorrah and the Tree of Crucifixion

The 7 branched Menorrah that was in the temple was mandated by GOD. There are different views on what it symbolises (which are all great views) but Revelation tells us they represent the 7 churches which leads us to Zecharia which tells us it represents the two witnesses of Revelation. The Church or Ekklesia are... Continue Reading →

Three year old heifer

Why does the red heifer need to be three years old? I will tell you the most important reason why. Jesus. The red heifer death was a type and shadow of the crucifixion of Jesus. Jesus ministry was just over 3 years and in my opinion, this is the main reason why the red heifer... Continue Reading →

The 7 year deadly wound?

Most people today are awaiting a 7 year peace deal that they think will bring in the Antichrist figure. Sorry to tell you, but you're going to wait forever for that according to scripture. Why? Because it just isn't there. Now before I go on I want to say that this doesn't mean that there... Continue Reading →

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