I See Demons

It seems they are going to try to normalize seeing some sort of demonic "shape shifters" now. Very very creepy. This is just in time for April 8th with the eclipse over little Egypt and its demon star, the devil's comet, APEP eating the Sun and CERN tearing the veil once again. And just in... Continue Reading →

2024: the year of many things

2024:The Hebrew year for 2024 is 5784. It started around the fall of 2023. I suspect this calendar was manipulated during the Babylonian siege and imprisonment. The Talmud is associated with all of this. If you add a thousand years you come to 6784.The Assyrian year is 6774. It is 990 days longer. Almost 1,000... Continue Reading →

The 10-4 Test

This video got me a strike on YouTube. So one again, it's on FB. I want allowed to upload it on Brighteon either. Watch them in that order. https://fb.watch/nBYvnAkxLQ/?mibextid=ZbWKwL https://fb.watch/nBYze4l2Hy/?mibextid=ZbWKwL https://fb.watch/nBYAbWkC-f/?mibextid=ZbWKwL https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0zu7qxcP6kkTwR8k1g4uEhqh7LznMdRG1z2qqdHHwEdkfzgCk9y89ByF7WTZSEojJl&id=100057556901474&mibextid=ZbWKwL https://fb.watch/nBYEsx_M2p/?mibextid=ZbWKwL

Who of Patmos?

Think about what Paul was shown when going to the third heaven during his near death experience. He wouldn't even discuss some things. Now think about the writer of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. We are told it's John the Apostle on the island of Patmos. I can already prove to you using Scripture that... Continue Reading →

The Rapture Cult are at it again

I wasn't aware of this until right now. Evidently the 9/23/17 cult sees this as the "correct" sign according to some, that this represents Jesus coming back. I'd hold off on that right yet. Judgement is coming. This "child" astroid going through the Virgo canal was found on March 4th 1989. It would be 34... Continue Reading →

I wonder if Jonah got called a hypocrite?

I've quit sharing things with people over the years because of people throwing things back in my face. "You think you're better than anyone else. You think you sit on some sort of pedestal. You're nothing but a hypocrite." Yep I've been told that. And everytime my flesh goes, yep maybe they are right, and... Continue Reading →

The Real “Elite”

We always hear about the elite of this world and the small group of men or women that rule the entire world. But have you ever looked at the etymology of the word elite? It literally means the choice or select body ie the best part. Once you define "elite" then that will tell you... Continue Reading →

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