How Old Was Adam/Man when He Was Created By GOD?

My co-worker and I were talking about a few things and the question came up, how old was Adam when God created him on the 6th day? Come to think about it, I've never really thought about it. Now what I'm going to say here is only theory. I've never heard anyone say this... Continue Reading →

Jill Jacobs and Purim

Being that Purim is literally around the corner, I thought it may be fitting to show you a strange connection here to Joe Biden's wife, Jill Jacobs. I've shown you already how there is a strong possibility that Jill may be the one signing J.R.Biden on these Executive Orders (which is actually a stamp of... Continue Reading →

Kong vs Godzilla: the irony

The beast of the sea vs the beast of the land. That great dragon called Satan vs the beast of the earth. This is the age old myth of the clash of the titans that were genetically modified by the watchers. In my blog I talk about how I believe dinosaurs were nothing but genetically... Continue Reading →

Joey Bee: to sign or not to sign?

There was this one time when I got my account suspended permanently from Twitter because I called Joey B a Westworld clone. It was such a good tweet, even a Westworld affiliate page commented on it and said that this was definetly not one of theirs. That was actually pretty funny. Twitter didn't seem to... Continue Reading →

My YouTube Has Been Suspended…new one

Well that's bs. YouTube suspended my account permanently. I got 3 strikes in four weeks for posting on electromagnetic frequencies (emf) for being the cause of everyone's sickness and mRNA inoculations are nothing more than gene therapy that modifies your genetic makeup of your body. You don't silence something that isn't the truth. I've had... Continue Reading →

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