I See Demons

It seems they are going to try to normalize seeing some sort of demonic “shape shifters” now. Very very creepy. This is just in time for April 8th with the eclipse over little Egypt and its demon star, the devil’s comet, APEP eating the Sun and CERN tearing the veil once again. And just in time for Passover and the coming red heifer that will be burnt. I said in my book from 2017 that when the red heifer is burnt it will invoke an ancient evil that this modern world has never seen. Did not the world and those earth dwellers change in 2020 with the Pandemic? Or maybe now it’s safe to call it what the etymology says, Many Demons. Don’t you think it’ll literally get worse and demons will manifest right in front of you?

And they needed Tiffany “that mother trucker is not real” Gomas and the unknown British guy to do what they did in 2023 within a week apart, for people to know that you’re crazy when you see this and ACT like you’ve actually seen something. Get it? Who wants to jump out of a plane at 30,000 feet because they think they saw someones face shift into something else.

Remember that Twilight Zone episode “Nightmare at 20,000 Feet” with William Shatner, whose face ended up being used as a mask in the movie Halloween? He wanted to jump out of the plane in that episode.

Did you realize Shatner also starred in a made for TV movie called “Sole Survivor” where there were demons, oops, I meant ghosts on a plane. Same thing right?

And in the movie Halloween his literal face was used to transform Michael Myers into a boogeyman. He was originally called The Shape. What do faces do when they morph? They change shape.

And why a plane? My thoughts…The veil is thinner the higher up and colder it gets. That’s my working theory. And even the demon possessed ding bat Kenneth Copeland says this. (Yeah, I can’t believe I’m actually going to quote him).

“He used to fly airlines, but it got to the point where it was agitating him spiritually. He had become famous and they were wanting him to pray for them and all that. You can’t manage that today. This dope filled world. You get in an airplane, you get in a long tube with a bunch of demons. And it’s deadly.”

And why are there so many other plane events that don’t really get heard of. There are a lot but I’ll just throw a few headlines out. And the two most popular from 2023 are connected to….Dallas. Where the 4 of the red heifers comes from. Imagine that?

Read the original article of this demon face syndrome and then read the studies.



I will give you a basic overview of what this all is according to scientists but please still look at these links.

Prosopometamorphopsia (“prosopo” meaning ‘towards the eye’ and “metamorphopsia” meaning ‘changed/altered shapes’ and ‘seeing mutated shapes’) is a specific type of visual distortion where the patient will only perceive distortions when viewing the faces of others. This is completely neurological. Not like C19 flu like symptoms, but more like the affects of frequencies. This is associated with “Alice in Wonderland Syndrome” and AWS is directly associated with EBS or Epstein-Barr Virus. And you guessed it, “©Ov1D” and the “vaqquines” have reactivated EBS in people. I’m not even making this up. Look at the links below.

Read the articles:





What is strange is the connections with movies with this sort of smiling from ear to ear. You see it in Truth or Dare, Smile and Soundgarden’s video Black Hole Sun (another interesting connection to the eclipse on April 8th). And over the years I have connected this form of smiling with clowns which are Nephilim.

Black Hole Sun video happens to have a scene where the smiling woman is chopping a fish. I see the fish as Christianity and a symbol of the eclipse on April 8th that is in Pisces.

In the opening scene of Smile, it zooms into the eye and actually looks eerily like an eclipse with the corona glazing arms it.

Truth or Dare

So yeah, bad timing with everything going on…

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