What is an Eclipse? (Read This)

October 14th, 2023

I saw this video and it made me wonder about something. If it doesn’t play then go here: https://fb.watch/nHV4mdHoaP/?mibextid=Nif5oz

So I googled “eclipses are fake”. Not one article about eclipses being fake showed up but this article was the first on the list: https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2017/08/do-you-believe-the-eclipse-is-going-to-happen/537090/

Now before you get all bent out of shape and give me your own opinion, I’ll say this, God made the Sun and the Moon for two lights in the sky and for signs. The Sun is the greater light and the Moon is the lesser light. Some websites tell us that the Hebrew word for eclipse is likui, or defect. Christian Answers says, “Normal solar eclipses do not appear to be mentioned in Scripture, and there is no Hebrew word for “eclipse.” All of the sun-darkening events in Scripture appear to be miraculous, not based on the regular movement of Earth and Moon.” I completely agree with them. No where is Scripture ever mentions of a “eclipse” specifically by name, everyone just assumes and forms this sort of presumption that the Sun is being “eclipsed” by the Moon.

Remember that I said the Hebrew word according to some for eclipse is DEFECT. Where does that word come from? It is from the early 15 century, “want or lack of anything,” especially lack of something essential to perfection or completeness, from Old French defect and directly from Latin defectus “failure, revolt, falling away”. Who does this specific definition sound like? Lucifer? The Illuminated one or light bearer maybe? More on that in a second.

The word “eclipse” comes from the Latin “eclipsis,” drawn in turn from the Greek “ekleipsis.” That Greek noun is related to the verb “ekleipein,” consisting of “ek” (meaning “from”) and “leipein” (meaning “to leave”). So literally, eclipse means “to fail to appear” or “to abandon an accustomed place.” (https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-term-eclipse-gets-another-moment-in-the-sun-1502464444) An eclipse in Greek “means “to fail to appear” or “to abandon an accustomed place” or maybe literally “to leave from”? It evidently abandons its circuit quite often to the point that NASA can pin point it to the second of when it’s happening.

Did you catch what I just said? The “moon” as we are told abandons or leaves its post i.e. circuit so that an “eclipse” happens, and NASA evidently knows to the second when this happens? And sometimes years and years in advance. How and why? We know “stars” or what some call “planets” have circuits that God specifically put them on. We also know stars are interchangeable in Scripture with angels. Whatever causes an eclipse, which is not the Moon in my opinion, is leaving its daily “paper route” and somehow interfering with the greater light which we know as the Sun. Have you ever heard of the black Sun? I’m sure you have. This black Sun is sometimes referred to as Satan. Is the “black Sun” leaving its circuit to give those of us on Earth some sort of sign?

Now let me go on a theory trip with you for a second. We are told by scholars and Jewish rabbis that in the beginning, Lucifer was at one point in the throne room of God, leading the praise towards God for the entire Angelic host. God is a Spirit, God is a Light, we are told this in a Scripture over and over with many witnesses. Lucifer is the light bearer, at least that is what we are told but Paul tells us don’t think it strange that Satan comes as an angel of light. At this point Satan is DEFECTIVE. He is at one point perfect (that’s what we are told) and we are assuming he was for sake of argument.

So essentially Lucifer covered the glory of God (His LIGHT) so the entire host of heaven could look towards the Creator. Have you ever seen a person or something else block a bright light? You can’t tell who or what it is but you can actually just see a dark silhouette of this image. Kind of like an “eclipse”. We see a round object covering the light and brightness of the Sun. On a side note, how come you can’t see the Moon prior to this covering and after this covering in the blue sky? Because it’s not the Moon. But any other day you can see both the moon and the Sun in the same sky with no problem.

And what were the definitions of defect which means eclipse in Hebrew? In Hebrew it was to revolt or fall away and Greek is to abandon an accustomed place. And in English we know of a defect as something that was perfect at one time that now has some sort of defect. Who does that exactly sound like to you? Lucifer aka Satan. You can almost see this eclipse imagery of Satan, the black Sun, or Lucifer the light bearer in the throne room of God. If he was in fact “blocking” the glory of God for the heavenly host they would be seeing the silhouette of a black dark image. 🌑 ☀️

Makes sense right? What else “makes sense” is that a lesser light blocks a greater light. 🤔

Now back to the video posted. “Scientists” are saying that this was a Sun flare or burst. Others are saying it was just a camera artifact. Hmmm, ok. Make it make sense.

“And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.” (Genesis 1:16) Mirrored you can see 91:1 or 911. Have you ever seen one light cancel out another light? Or have you seen over light obstruct another light? What about a false light that’s not really a light? Could that obstruct real light?

Now read the literal Greek of this same verse from the Apostolic Polyglot Bible:

And God made the two [2 luminaries 1 great]; the [2 luminary 1 greater] for beginnings of the day, and the [2 luminary 1 lesser] for beginnings of the night, and the stars.

Notice the Moon or maybe I should say the lesser light/luminary of the two great lights or luminaries. It was made for the beginnings of the night, AND the stars. So The stars are connected with this night light and but the Sun. Remember that when the Moon goes dark, the stars fall according to Jesus in Matthew 24:29 and the other Gospels.

The LXX is similar to this:

And God made the two great lights, the greater light for regulating the day and the lesser light for regulating the night, the stars also.

So go ahead and Google “eclipses are fake” and see what pops up. Nothing. But look at how many articles that pop up about the glasses you have to wear during one of these events and that you better watch out for fake glasses. They always say you need special glasses to see these special events. Make sure you read the first article in this post.

Oh and one last thing, have you ever wondered why there is no mention of the Sun or Moon directly by name until Genesis 15:2 (Sun/Abrams deep sleep then his covenant with God) and Genesis 37:9 (Moon/Joseph’s dream about ruling over his brothers). Something I want to point out is that some believe Genesis 15 happened because of an Eclipse. I don’t believe that’s true but wanted to point that out. Keep that in mind. The greater lights are named by name at Creation. Ever notice that? When you find out why…let me know. Why didn’t God originally just call them the Sun and Moon on the 4th day of creation if that’s what they are?

20 minutes later….

So literally, a few minutes after posting the first post of this blog on my FB page, this video by Pastor Patrick Wright (a big rapture proponent on YouTube, who obviously I will disagree with when it comes to the rapture) shows up unannounced. It reminded me of the 3 rockets being fired and then went on to say what the project name was. So I don’t know this guy or have ever heard of him but I’m giving credit where credit is due for the name APEP connection.

So what was originally meant to just be a curiosity and a question in my own mind has turned into something more. This goes with my last post about the eclipse. So where should I begin now?

Well did you realize that NASA was launching three rockets into the atmosphere 35 minutes before the local peak, at it’s peak time and then 35 minutes after the local peak time?

This rocket is called APEP. The interesting thing about APEP is that it is actually an ancient Egyptian serpent deity that embodied darkness and disorder. It’s also known as Apophis. You read about it here: (https://science.nasa.gov/solar-system/skywatching/eclipses/solar-eclipses/2023-solar-eclipse/to-study-atmosphere-nasa-rockets-will-fly-into-oct-eclipses-shadow/?fbclid=IwAR2rz9rJyJ9aL3q6K9XBFRt_Xb8l-NIXLSJL0GwTAZiTrir9WcH1NyhFpCU).

Not only that, but Apophis shows up on Stellarium and it’s an asteroid, the same as the asteroid Child. Apophis name is actually 99942 Apophis. We see another 666 inversion here.

I wrote this on September 1st but I think it’s worth repeating in context of everything going on and the connection to this so called eclipse.

I wasn’t aware of this until right now. Evidently the 9/23/17 cult sees this as the “correct” sign according to some, that this represents Jesus coming back. I’d hold off on that right yet. Judgement is coming. This “child” astroid going through the Virgo canal was found on March 4th 1989. It would be 34 years and 6 months old 12,613 days old. This event happens on the Jewish/Babylonian Calendar of the new year, Rosh Hashanah. This was the date I was originally told by a Rabbi in charge of the red heifer that the eldest would be burnt, if “kosher”& of age.

Let me tell all of you this. Things are going to get bad. I mean really bad. The demonic attack I faced in the entire month of August is something I have never seen in my whole 50 years of living. It was so bad I won’t ever go into it. These aren’t signs of a “rapture”. This is another sign that judgement is coming and it’s coming very fast. Jesus will come but not until His judgement comes first. You do not want to NOT have Jesus as your King right now or in the future. Do the right thing for your eternal life. I beg you. END.

So now back to the post.

The full name is 4850 Child. Look what 4850 Strong’s is in Hebrew and read Jeremiah 50 for context.

4850 in Strong’s means double rebellion or double bitterness and is directly associated with Babylon.

Buckle up…And these were both in Virgo, but as of October 15th, 4850 Child has left the Virgin/Virgo and Apophis, the serpent, is at her head following it. Imagine that?

Now if this wasn’t crazy already, I had searched the past few weeks of a image that was just showing the 2017 path of the eclipse and the 2023 path. I couldn’t find just those two paths by themselves but always came across the Aleph (A) or Tav (X) image. And if you break them up, they are two X’s connecting to form the Aleph. Double crossed ie Cains mark.

I originally just assumed the 2017/2023 paths looked like a V or a <. Read about that below and see where this intersection point happens when next year’s comes into fruition.

I knew it reminded me of a image but couldn’t put my finger on it until now. It is the serpent tounge of the NASA logo. (Just so you know, I haven’t heard anyone else point this out yet.) Look at the quick image I made.

Then it dawned on me. The two paths of these two events (2017/2023) form what looks like the serpents tongue of the NASA logo and it’s even inverted or should I say mirrored. You could also even say that the white circle in the logo resembles the 2024 path that makes the Aleph crossing of 2024. After I saw this image, someone pointed out that the white circle resembles sperm, which it does. We already know that the circle in this logo pays homage to Saturns ring.

Someone also pointed out the anarchy sign in relation to the finality of these three eclipses.

NASA is asan backwards like in the above image. Asan in Arabic comes from Hassan and this means good or handsome. Muhammads grandson carried this name. In Hebrew this same word is Hassan and means cantor. It represents a “Jewish musician trained in vocal arts who leads the congregation in a songful prayer”. Read Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28. What’s that remind you of?

What are the odds of all of this during a sequence of events that are connected? Very strange in my opinion.


So now there’s another version of the video. This is the new edited version NASA has put out after the “puff” came out on the live feed. It reminded me of a dragon “puff”. Now everyone says, “see, NASA never went to the Moon because it’s not a solid mass”, and they are right. But it still doesn’t answer as to how one light can cancel out another light. Lights just get brighter the more light you add to an original source.

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