Hell Has Frozen Over

So here’s another thought I just had on this Tartaria theory. It seems that one of the places that there are no Gothic style cathedrals is the area of Tartaria. This would be what we call the frozen over tundra of Siberia. Why no magnificent style cathedrals with the “antenna” style pillars of “free energy” in Siberia? Too cold? Too remote? I’m not sure but we know if there are any, there aren’t many.


Now we know Satan was cast into the abyss (bottomless pit) from either the death/resurrection of Jesus or shortly after. I have always assumed the former whether you believe in a physical or spiritual type of the “thousand years”. The one point that would make me believe the latter is the destruction of Jerusalem in 67-70 AD and then the rise of Domitian. He was a bad bad dude who killed a lot of Christians. That is assuming the historical timelines that we are given are correct. And I don’t see a reason as to why they wouldn’t be for that time period.

So Satan was cast and bound and sealed  into the abyss. The main point of him being cast into prison is that the Gospel of Jesus Christ can be preached to the nations. Then after a thousand years he is loosed to “go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle”.

So here is my thought. When Satan was cast into the abyss was he given rule over Tartarus? Got Questions explains Tartarus perfectly. “In ancient Greek mythology, Tartarus was a horrible pit of torment in the afterlife. It was lower than even Hades, the place of the dead. According to the Greeks, Tartarus was populated by ferocious monsters and the worst of criminals….The word Tartarus can be defined as “the deepest abyss of Hades.” It was a pit of torment or abyss of torment.

Tartarus was lower than Hades and reserved for the angels who had left their first estate. “The Greek word Tartarus appears only once in the entire New Testament. Second Peter 2:4 says, “God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to [Tartarus], putting them in chains of darkness to be held for judgment…Another place in Scripture that mentions sinning angels is Genesis 6:1–4 where “the sons of God” took control of human women and their progeny. According to Jude 1:6, some angels “abandoned their proper dwelling” in the heavens. For this crime, God cast them into Tartarus where they are held “in pits of gloom” (AMP) for a later judgment. It seems that Tartarus was what the demons feared in Luke 8:31.”

Now Hades/Sheol is where Jesus went for 3 days and 3 nights, just as Jonah was in the belly of the great fish for 3 days and 3 nights. Jonah even uses the word Sheol. Hades is used to describe the realm of the dead as is sheol. It simply means “the place of the dead” or “the place of departed souls/spirits.” The New Testament Greek equivalent to sheol is hades, which is also a general reference to “the place of the dead.” This place was split in two that was separated by a great Gulf as we see in the parable of Lazarus and the rich man. Blessing on one side and torment on the other. The blessing side was called Abraham’s Bosom or Paradise. I believe Jesus went to preach to those in torment and released those in Paradise to be His first fruit offering. This very well was physically the first resurrection. Notice I say physically. Because for us presently, we view the first resurrection spiritually.
Born again~~> our spiritual first resurrection.
First Death~~> our physical death.
Judgement~~>our second &final resurrection.
Second death~~>lake of fire.

So knowing this, Hades/Sheol is “above” Tartarus in the realm of hell. So did Satan now have “rule” over Tartarus once he was cast and sealed into the abyss. Probably safe to assume he took that position. Even though there was no position open. What I’m saying is this, Satan is proud so even when he was chained (most likely symbolic) and imprisoned, he still felt like he was god of this world. Which he was and is but he didn’t have authority over anything during the thousand years. In his mind, I’m sure he felt like he did. This thought or theory of Satan ruling hell was brought to us by The Marriage of Heaven and Hell by William Blake which was First published 1790. Before that it wasn’t really mentioned. And this would be post thousand years. Scripture never says that Satan ruled hell but that he was the god of this world.

Here is my next thought. When Satan was loosed, did he start his own kingdom and specifically set out for the area of Gog and Magog, which just happens to be in, you guessed it, Tartaria or Siberia, also known as Russia. This area is also known as Northern Eurasia and we know the Mongols ruled this area. We know names change over centuries but essentially they always mean the same thing and it comes back full circle. Is Mongol a play on words with Magog? The funny thing is the Scottish name Aengus or Angus is actually Magog and Aengus (in Scottish mythology), his mother is named Boann.

Boann is equated with Europa and represented a white cow. Europa rode a white bull (Zeus).

Aengus or Angus is a stock of red cows/bulls which is what the Temple institute was actually looking for in a red heifer. Is the specific four corners of the earth Gog and Magog? Earth in this case can specifically be called land. So essentially it could read, the four quarters of the land Gog and Magog. This would be a specific area in the Euroasian region or what we call today, Russia.

Is this how Tartaria came about and the reason why it is so close linguistically and etymologically close to Tartarus, the horrible abyss of torment. Did Satan in fact take his thousand year prison “experience” and establish his “newly found” Kingdom Tartaria based on his binding in Tartarus? Is this why Gog and Magog are where they are at presently? It seems like this is all connected. And the red heifer is directly connected to all of this. Like I said, burning this red heifer is opening the Gog and Magog can of worms.

Let me also leave you what this site says. “Peter’s mention of Tartarus is in the context of condemning false teachers. Those who secretly introduce heresy into the church will suffer a fate similar to that of the angels who sinned—they will end up in Tartarus. The Lord does not tolerate those who lead His children astray (Matthew 18:6).” Now think about those who have told everyone that Tartaria is in fact related to the thousand year reign of Christ. What is their end? The land they rep physically will be the end for them eternally.

We can literally say “HELL HAS FROZEN OVER”. This idiom means that it will never happen. Always & never…again.

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